Thursday 27 December 2012

Happy post boxing day!

Eeeep hope you all had an amazing Christmas. Did you get what you wanted? I did! :D can thoroughly recommend the canon ixus 125 so far it is an amazing little camera. Also I have the best friends in the world! they know me so well! Hope you haven't eaten too much turkey! Went to see the Hobbit again today! still brilliant. Loving James Nesbitt as Bofur (second from the right in the back row)and the amazing Gollum as well!

-Love Lottie

Monday 24 December 2012


OMG... ITS CHRISTMAS!!!! Happy Christmas eve! hope you get ll the presnts you want and that santa comes ;) Incase I dont have time to post tomorrow HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


My favourite christmassy song!

Sunday 23 December 2012


Yeooo! Think *touch wood* that my internet is fixed! Current broadband speed of 1 meg!!! woo woo (^'.'^) huge improvement on 0.1 which didn't even work at all!! and POST* LOLA! tut tut tut... I so want to start daily blogging again and maybe with the new found working internet I will! Also for Lottie birthday (by the time she sees this it will be after her birthday so Happy Birthday!) we went to see the hobbit! IT WAS AMAZING! I am a huge Lord of the rings fan and it was awesome seeing J.R.R Tolkiens book come to life. watching an ork have his head cut off? AWESOME. see you soon!


Tuesday 18 December 2012


Guys, Our exam week is over and as usual i havent posted in like... a few months.. ;D Lottie has tried her best. I apologize for her frequent spelling mistakes, she meant for* in her lost past not 'fro'. Im training her but it looks like its going to take a little longer. I've missed you guys and posting on our blog. Not sure you guys actually care about what we post post we will soon be at 400 page views, WOO <3

Lola x

Saturday 1 December 2012

I miss you...

I have really really missed blogging! I didn't think I would but I have. But recently my life has been so dull, and know I'm getting into a week of exams that I am unprepared fro so I wont be any better off... Ill miss you.

-lottie :(
See you soon...

Sunday 18 November 2012


Had a brilliant 2 hectic weeks! Loving the avengers and The twilight saga breaking dawn part 2!!! Its EPIC! Managed not to fall on my face as well! Started rehersing our play. let you know how that progresses. I havent had much sleep though. So right now at 17.10pm gmt I am going to bed. 


PLUS I got the morganville vampires no. 13 
                            Bitter Blood

Sunday 4 November 2012


Just a quick update! My life has gone mad. I have about 10 events in 14 days starting tomorrow with ni public speaking finals!!! which are like 2 hours form my house... Does anyone know how to write a conclusion? Ahhhhhhhhh Then on Wednesday/Thursday. Tuesday I have to get up early... then go out and be beat up by 7 years old's AGAIN! Volunteering gone wrong :( Going down to the arts festival information night then I have Prize night at school ... were you have to walk up these awful steps and try no tot fall up them but then... Friday Lola, Riley, Susie-Ann and I have tickets to go see The twilight saga breaking dawn!!!!! EEEEP Excited! Then on Saturday I am trying to talk mum into taking me to a sewing convention up in Belfast .. Nerdy I know but I wanna go.....  Let me know if you can top this week! I have so many late nights.... and I need 12 hours sleep... Ga Ha Ha


Sorry for complaining so much but I had to get it out, I would have exploded

Sunday 28 October 2012

Miracle Cat...

Ok so there is no one to blame but me for my neglectfulness... but my life has been consume by school, homework and quilting.... as you do? And my internet is still broken.... ga ha ha ha but I just had to blog about what has been the best day ever....  8 months ago my little patchy poo (well officially called patch after the white patch on his cheek that distinguished him from his brother) disappeared  We all thought that after about 3 weeks later he was never to be seen again. Until this morning. He showed up the door and scared the life out of my mum! were has he been? Has you will see He is one of a litter of tree baby boys. The little white one (Socks) didn't quiet make it after an incident with a car...But Tiger is a real skinny runt and a home bird.   

 Lying in front of his fire tonight
 Cuddling with my sister                         NOM (on the left)

ATTACK                                                                         Coming!

                                                                        What is this contraption?


 Sensible Cat.

 Brotherly Love.....


-Lottie & Patch xox

Friday 12 October 2012

3 weeks later 'o' ....

Um. so. I guess I've been a bit lazy... but Ive also been a bit busy. Ok so since I last blogged I have done all sorts of things. The main ones being:

1. Epic 2 hour disco

2. A Dublin day! FOREVER21!!!

3. A mega six hour Duke of Edinburgh Hike

4. Been back to youth club

5. Start sewing again! :O (well... cutting...)

6. Eat some food!

7. Wrote and epic 20 full on musical drama!

8. Rehersed a speach

9. Been attacked by 7 year olds

10. Vomited all over the school toilets alarming some first years....





Science Homework

Outfit 1 (superdry shirt)

Dublin haul! (90% from forever21)

Forever21 vintagy outfit


Amazing Fabric!


My project!

I would have more pictures but Lola has them on her ipod... so :D !


Wednesday 26 September 2012


So... I guess its been a while... but I have an accuse.... My internet was broken!!! So to make up for it I decided I shall do the 50 random questions tag!

1. Where were you three hours ago?

Lying on my Kitchen table helping my Brother with his Homework...

2. Who are you in love with?

Joey Graceffa? 

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?

I don't think so....... 

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?

Yes! the lilies My dad bought my mum for their 17th weddign anniversary

5. When was the last time you went to the mall?


6. Are you wearing socks right now?

Nope. Tights and my fluffeh slippers ;)

7. Do you have a car worth over $2000?

I think so?

8. When was the last time you drove out of town?

Um I don't live in a town (hence the pathetic internet....) But I was driven into town on the school bus this morning!

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?


10. Are you hot?

Yes... I'm sitting right in front of  a roaring fire.... 

11. What was the last thing you had to drink?

My Tesco own brand Diet cloudy Lemonade :D

12. What are you wearing right now?

Um school tights, Cheap old skinny jeans, My slippers, White tank top, grey hoody!

13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?

Um, It rarely gets washed so its sorta always dirty.... but when it does get washed its the car wash!

14. Last food you ate?

Fish fingers!!!

15. Where were you last week at this time?

Exactly were I am now....

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

Um yes... new trackie bottoms for Duke of Edinburgh.

17. When was the last time you ran?

Last Friday, I am atad lazy....

18. What was the last sporting event you watched?

The paralympics! <3

19. Your favorite animal?

My cats! (when they arent bringing me presents on dead birds....)

20. Your dream vacation?

At the minute France with my friends!

21. Last person’s house you were in?

My grans

22. Worst injury you ever had?

Once when I was about 8 my mother as a complete accident hit my head witht he boot of the car... it was a small cut but because it was on ym head it bled. ALOT! I had like 3 staples but it was ok!

23. Have you been in love?

Nope. :(

24. Do you miss anyone right now?

My cousins! Havent seen them since May!!!!

25. Last play you saw?

Oh, um Farmer McCrackin at the YFCU Arts festival! 

26. What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex?

I dont have one. D: I repell boys with my height...

27. What are your plans for tonight?

rWatch a little TV, finish my homework, Learn my french Vocabulary..., read 'a millions suns' then sleep!

28. Who is the last person to send you a facebook message or comment?


29. Next trip you are going to take?


30. Ever go to camp?

Yes! Annual scout cap then Duke of Edinburgh on Sunday night! 

31. Were you an honor student in school?

No idea! But Im top of the year? Does that count?

32. What do you want to know about the future?

Will I ever meet a famous person??? just one???? please!

33. Are you wearing perfume or cologne?

Nope.... I have this thing about perfume.... so I wear scented deodorant No idea what its called though!

34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor’s visit?

Booster injection! EEP

35. Where is your best friend?

Um at home... IMing me via skype!

36. How is your best friend?

Im guesssing shes doing great?

37. Do you have a tan?

No. I dont tan. I burn. D:

38. What are you listening to right now?

Amelia Lilly - you bring me joy.... On loop ;D

39. Do you collect anything?

Um..... I collect snow globes from the places I go on holidays too and cherished teddies!

40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

My other BFF Riley....

41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?

No Idea! The other week my mum was pulled over I guess?

42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?

Yes. All the time!

43. What does your last text message say?

Its to Riley saying - Do we have to go and see mr.C at lunch or just after school (this is referring to my duke of Edinburgh teacher)

44. Do you like hot sauce?

Ugh no, Spicey food... BOKE

45. Last time you took a shower?

Last night

46. Do you need to do laundry?

No not really.

47. What is your heritage?

Irish I guess? But my dads family is originally from northern England and my mums form France!

48. Are you someone’s best friend?

I'd liek to think so. Yes?

49. Are you rich?

At the mintute (in my opinion) I am because I have managed to save £40 for my trip to dublin at the weekend!!! 

50. What were you doing at 12 AM last night?


Hope you Enjoyed this!!! 

-Lottie! <3

Sunday 16 September 2012

Look like LaL - The Scarf

Both me and Lola both love acessories! One of our favourites is the scarf.

Lolas favourite scarf:

Simple black and white horse print scarf form new look. She bought it on our trip to bangor when she fell in love with it but has since forgot to wear it!!! 

Mine is:

Which is a dark blue colour with red and pale blue flowers on it. 

I bought this in primark about a year ago and never really wore it but atm I am loving it!

Scarf style suggestions:

My scarf is rather huge so I like to loop it around my neck Twice and leave it quite puffy. A scarf can make or break an outfit. In my opinion the right scarf adds a dash of colour and grown upness!! :D


My scarf paired with New look skinny jeans, H&M green cardigan, H&M cream blouse


Paired with dorothy perkins dress, Next tights, H&M boots, H&M cardigan

I love scarves! I have so many I dont even now how may I have! Maybe one day Ill do a scarf collection? let me know!

-Lottie xox :D

Saturday 15 September 2012

Pretty average saturday

Today just had a pretty normal day. Up early, washed my hair then went to nannies. nothing very interesting. Now Im lying on a sofa wrapped up in my snuggie in uncomfortable jeans. 

-Until tomorrow Lottie 

Thursday 13 September 2012


I AM SO SORRY! I have been away for like forever.... I didnt mean for this to happen... but just as soemthing exciting was about to happen... BOOM INTERNET FAILURE. The the whole thing is broken, this is th efirst day in ages I have been able to open my home screen. So has you probably guess Im back at school now!!! Woop (Im such a nerd....) Hating it though. GCSE are a huge step up from KS3 the amount of homework Im having is lethal... Im only like back and Ive already had 3 tests! Really enjoying the smaller classes though, theres only 5 people in my additional math class (not very popular for obvious reasons...) so the teacher said we could makes tea!!! In class!!! You rock Miss.H!!!!!!!! Also I have been to Bellfast since on a semi sucessfull shopping trip... Yes I did get 2 pairs of jeans and a new blazer but my Nan, Mum and brat of a sister bullied me the whole day... :( Wonder who succesfull our Dublin trip in 2 weeks will be... FOREVER21!!!! <3 Did you know there only one in the whole of Ireland and its in Dublin? Disgracefull. If Belfast can have a hollister why cant they have a foreve21 or an ambercrombie and fitch or even a descently sized Jack willis. Oh and also I went to a teasure hunt thing with ym family and reclaim are throne as Number 1! Woop! Gotta love celebrations. Then we went to the NI International Airshow! Two words some that up.   1. being AWESOME nd the other being Wet... but the first one sort of overuled the 2nd so it was mainly amazing!  The poppy drop was beautiful and the Blades blew my mind. I think thats pretty much upto date unless you want to here about my epic 3 hours long french homework done over skype(Skype audio worked but my browser wouldnt open? how messed up is that!) but I think thats another story... 


I hope theese little cuties help make up for what I have done... :D

Sunday 2 September 2012


So today we were down in drogheda at funtasia water park! What a place. Would thoroughly recommend it to anyone!! I am totally wrecked though - Ice skating, Walking and now a swimming pool! This is the most exercise I have done all summer!! Although to make up of it we had lunch in KFC... Aww well it was fun!

         Outfit of the week!            

Saturday 1 September 2012

Summer 2012

Who care if its been the wettest summer in a century! ITS BEEN AWESOME! Ice skating in Dundonald yesterday with Lola! What an amazing time - nothing better than watching your BFF fall flat on their back! Then Belfast with mum, Nan and my little sister - a lethal combination all ganging up on me but aww well they bought me new jeans and a blazer! Then Tomorrow Funtasia down in Drogheda for my brothers birthday then on Monday a day with the house to myself! sweet!! 


Wednesday 29 August 2012


So as you know I was in the Isle of Man for a week a while back and I though I would share some of My pictures and favourite experiences with you! 

The Isle of Man is the most magical place in the world in my opinion! I remember when I was younger going to summerhill glen AKA the Fairy glen in douglas! The first picture is what I remember from my childhood. Only half the glen is lit up knw but its still amazing!

The Laxy wheel is amazing!!! Scary especially for me with my insane fear of heights but I went to the top!!!

Peel castle was really interesting! freezing cold and would be rubbish if it was raining but it was really interesting and one of thoose places that looks small on the outside but is HUGE on the inside!!

I love the beach! personal favourites are douglas beach, Peel beach and fenella beeach (also in peel)

Overall it was just and amazing Holiday!

Loughtan sheep!

Isle of man Hollywood sign!!!

Electric train!


Giant spider :S


Amazing scenery 


Unexploded bomb at Isle at war weekend! AMAZING!!

Steam Trains!

Freaking Giant truck thingys...

I want one...

Messy rooms!
Randomm play parks and this amazing Victorian Carousel!

Beautiful Douglas

Lots of love Lottie! XOX