Wednesday 26 September 2012


So... I guess its been a while... but I have an accuse.... My internet was broken!!! So to make up for it I decided I shall do the 50 random questions tag!

1. Where were you three hours ago?

Lying on my Kitchen table helping my Brother with his Homework...

2. Who are you in love with?

Joey Graceffa? 

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?

I don't think so....... 

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?

Yes! the lilies My dad bought my mum for their 17th weddign anniversary

5. When was the last time you went to the mall?


6. Are you wearing socks right now?

Nope. Tights and my fluffeh slippers ;)

7. Do you have a car worth over $2000?

I think so?

8. When was the last time you drove out of town?

Um I don't live in a town (hence the pathetic internet....) But I was driven into town on the school bus this morning!

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?


10. Are you hot?

Yes... I'm sitting right in front of  a roaring fire.... 

11. What was the last thing you had to drink?

My Tesco own brand Diet cloudy Lemonade :D

12. What are you wearing right now?

Um school tights, Cheap old skinny jeans, My slippers, White tank top, grey hoody!

13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?

Um, It rarely gets washed so its sorta always dirty.... but when it does get washed its the car wash!

14. Last food you ate?

Fish fingers!!!

15. Where were you last week at this time?

Exactly were I am now....

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

Um yes... new trackie bottoms for Duke of Edinburgh.

17. When was the last time you ran?

Last Friday, I am atad lazy....

18. What was the last sporting event you watched?

The paralympics! <3

19. Your favorite animal?

My cats! (when they arent bringing me presents on dead birds....)

20. Your dream vacation?

At the minute France with my friends!

21. Last person’s house you were in?

My grans

22. Worst injury you ever had?

Once when I was about 8 my mother as a complete accident hit my head witht he boot of the car... it was a small cut but because it was on ym head it bled. ALOT! I had like 3 staples but it was ok!

23. Have you been in love?

Nope. :(

24. Do you miss anyone right now?

My cousins! Havent seen them since May!!!!

25. Last play you saw?

Oh, um Farmer McCrackin at the YFCU Arts festival! 

26. What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex?

I dont have one. D: I repell boys with my height...

27. What are your plans for tonight?

rWatch a little TV, finish my homework, Learn my french Vocabulary..., read 'a millions suns' then sleep!

28. Who is the last person to send you a facebook message or comment?


29. Next trip you are going to take?


30. Ever go to camp?

Yes! Annual scout cap then Duke of Edinburgh on Sunday night! 

31. Were you an honor student in school?

No idea! But Im top of the year? Does that count?

32. What do you want to know about the future?

Will I ever meet a famous person??? just one???? please!

33. Are you wearing perfume or cologne?

Nope.... I have this thing about perfume.... so I wear scented deodorant No idea what its called though!

34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor’s visit?

Booster injection! EEP

35. Where is your best friend?

Um at home... IMing me via skype!

36. How is your best friend?

Im guesssing shes doing great?

37. Do you have a tan?

No. I dont tan. I burn. D:

38. What are you listening to right now?

Amelia Lilly - you bring me joy.... On loop ;D

39. Do you collect anything?

Um..... I collect snow globes from the places I go on holidays too and cherished teddies!

40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

My other BFF Riley....

41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?

No Idea! The other week my mum was pulled over I guess?

42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?

Yes. All the time!

43. What does your last text message say?

Its to Riley saying - Do we have to go and see mr.C at lunch or just after school (this is referring to my duke of Edinburgh teacher)

44. Do you like hot sauce?

Ugh no, Spicey food... BOKE

45. Last time you took a shower?

Last night

46. Do you need to do laundry?

No not really.

47. What is your heritage?

Irish I guess? But my dads family is originally from northern England and my mums form France!

48. Are you someone’s best friend?

I'd liek to think so. Yes?

49. Are you rich?

At the mintute (in my opinion) I am because I have managed to save £40 for my trip to dublin at the weekend!!! 

50. What were you doing at 12 AM last night?


Hope you Enjoyed this!!! 

-Lottie! <3

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