Sunday 4 November 2012


Just a quick update! My life has gone mad. I have about 10 events in 14 days starting tomorrow with ni public speaking finals!!! which are like 2 hours form my house... Does anyone know how to write a conclusion? Ahhhhhhhhh Then on Wednesday/Thursday. Tuesday I have to get up early... then go out and be beat up by 7 years old's AGAIN! Volunteering gone wrong :( Going down to the arts festival information night then I have Prize night at school ... were you have to walk up these awful steps and try no tot fall up them but then... Friday Lola, Riley, Susie-Ann and I have tickets to go see The twilight saga breaking dawn!!!!! EEEEP Excited! Then on Saturday I am trying to talk mum into taking me to a sewing convention up in Belfast .. Nerdy I know but I wanna go.....  Let me know if you can top this week! I have so many late nights.... and I need 12 hours sleep... Ga Ha Ha


Sorry for complaining so much but I had to get it out, I would have exploded

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