Saturday 25 May 2013


So a few months ago I was in the wonderful Ikea! (Am I only one who when Ikea feels like I am in Pewdiepie land?) And I seen these and fell in love!

I was literally screaming at my mum MUMMY can I have a milk bottle?
And I got 2! I also think that it was about £3.50 for the 2 of them! BARGAIN.
Then a little bit later on I seen LED fairy light's (again for very little, about £1.99 each) I initially thought, Wow those would make my bed look really pretty! (again about £80 in Ikea!) Then I got home and thought why not make some lamps?

So I did!

What you will need:

1(or 2) Milk bottles or clear vases, coloured glass would make a pretty coloured light, but I was on a budget! 

some LED lights (they give out the best light, are more environmental and I prefer the 'whiter' light.) 

Power source (mine was 2 AA batteries)

Place the LED lights in the jar. You can put them in randommly or in a sort of spiral then arrange them with a wooden spoon etc. so they mostly face outwards.

I suppose If you were more experience you could drill the jars and have the leads come out the bottom so it looks neater, but even the thought of drilling glass scared me! So they came out the top on mine!

You could put anything in them, along with the lights, I intend to fill them up with blue glass beads but haven't gotten around to it, but you really could put anything in! I did team them with a blue Glass though (which I unfortunately didn't have any lights for D: ) And added some blue and white flowers (Also Ikea!) to the bigger bottle.

I was really impressed, as the light was actualy really bright and lit up the room pretty well for £5 lights!

Hope you have a go, or are inspired to get creative. If you give it a go let me see the results either below post a link in the comments or share it to me on twitter @TheeLottieTree

-Lottie :) xox

P.s. LOLA I did not break my Laptop, I broke my internet conection!

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