Thursday 13 September 2012


I AM SO SORRY! I have been away for like forever.... I didnt mean for this to happen... but just as soemthing exciting was about to happen... BOOM INTERNET FAILURE. The the whole thing is broken, this is th efirst day in ages I have been able to open my home screen. So has you probably guess Im back at school now!!! Woop (Im such a nerd....) Hating it though. GCSE are a huge step up from KS3 the amount of homework Im having is lethal... Im only like back and Ive already had 3 tests! Really enjoying the smaller classes though, theres only 5 people in my additional math class (not very popular for obvious reasons...) so the teacher said we could makes tea!!! In class!!! You rock Miss.H!!!!!!!! Also I have been to Bellfast since on a semi sucessfull shopping trip... Yes I did get 2 pairs of jeans and a new blazer but my Nan, Mum and brat of a sister bullied me the whole day... :( Wonder who succesfull our Dublin trip in 2 weeks will be... FOREVER21!!!! <3 Did you know there only one in the whole of Ireland and its in Dublin? Disgracefull. If Belfast can have a hollister why cant they have a foreve21 or an ambercrombie and fitch or even a descently sized Jack willis. Oh and also I went to a teasure hunt thing with ym family and reclaim are throne as Number 1! Woop! Gotta love celebrations. Then we went to the NI International Airshow! Two words some that up.   1. being AWESOME nd the other being Wet... but the first one sort of overuled the 2nd so it was mainly amazing!  The poppy drop was beautiful and the Blades blew my mind. I think thats pretty much upto date unless you want to here about my epic 3 hours long french homework done over skype(Skype audio worked but my browser wouldnt open? how messed up is that!) but I think thats another story... 


I hope theese little cuties help make up for what I have done... :D

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