Wednesday 28 August 2013

Mini Primark Haul!

People seem to be doing these all the time, and usually I can't find anything in either pennies or primark! (I have thoroughly searched both!) Then BAM I end up in the primarks in Southport and Blackpool. It was love.

I absolutely love this little dress! I think It is really flattering and on the average person not that short! But when your 5ft 10" with and incredibly long back... Things don't fit. But it looks great with tights! And for £8? I couldn't pass it up!


Recently I have been craving vans.. but wanted to try them out first... see what they looked like. So these were perfect and I love em!

£5 navy (one of my favourite colours!) with cute patches? OH YES


 I seriously love Big purses! Especially ones that are £2

                    These are soooo fluffy and warm! Also £8! 


As my fluffy jammies say 'BIG HUG!'

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