Friday 12 October 2012

3 weeks later 'o' ....

Um. so. I guess I've been a bit lazy... but Ive also been a bit busy. Ok so since I last blogged I have done all sorts of things. The main ones being:

1. Epic 2 hour disco

2. A Dublin day! FOREVER21!!!

3. A mega six hour Duke of Edinburgh Hike

4. Been back to youth club

5. Start sewing again! :O (well... cutting...)

6. Eat some food!

7. Wrote and epic 20 full on musical drama!

8. Rehersed a speach

9. Been attacked by 7 year olds

10. Vomited all over the school toilets alarming some first years....





Science Homework

Outfit 1 (superdry shirt)

Dublin haul! (90% from forever21)

Forever21 vintagy outfit


Amazing Fabric!


My project!

I would have more pictures but Lola has them on her ipod... so :D !


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