Sunday 18 August 2013

Southport 2013!

So, it came to that time again, in mid august, were my family and I sail off on our annual summer holidays!
This year we headed back to Southport. No seems to have heard of it though! I feel that it deserves more publicity!

It is located here:

on the west coast of England, just above Wales, between Blackpool and Liverpool.

It has a beautiful pier and views, a great shopping street and amazing ice cream! (Southport rock was my favourite!)

It has a reputation for being an elderly person's holiday destination. I don't think so. I think it is for everyone!

Also a quick shout out to the lovely shelbourne apparments. Your flats rock! :)
Check them out!

Just realised I didn't take that many photo's! hope you enjoy these few of Southport pier!

-Lottie xox 

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