Tuesday 20 August 2013

Mara Dyer Rant

I don't know if I've ever really blogged about this before other than  mentioning it occasionally, but I am a huge book worm. I metaphorically eat books. 

I have ever since I can remember when my mum used to read me stories. Then I learnt to read, and there was no stopping me then! 

I probably don't read as much as other people but I am still passionate about books. Proper old fashioned paper books, not e-readers.

A few weeks ago I picked up a book in my local library, which I thought looked good.

I was wrong.


Michelle Hodkins - The unbecoming of Mara Dyer quickly gripping me and I couldn't get of enough Mara and Noah's story.

Then last week I finally got a copy of the evolution of Mara Dyer.

Oh My Gosh.

I will never be the same. I loved it so much! It quickly rocked up there with my all time favourite books. I seriously cannot wait until the next one comes out.


I'm not going to say too much but it has a serious shock ending. I finished it about 1 am and I just want to scream! And probably would have if my sister hadn't have been sound asleep beside me. So I had to settle for just sitting there staring at the wall trying to comprehend what had just happened to me. It took me a whole 20 minutes to recover enough to actually go to sleep!

That's not normal, even for me!

I thoroughly recommend this book and it deserved to be super popular and get lot's of love!

The whole story is a mystery and keeps you guessing as to what is actually happening. Is it magic? Or is it just science? I still can decide after changing my mind like 27 times!

Let me know if you like my rants about books. Sorry but I can't do book reviews... They scare me (everyone has fears OK?) and I'm not very good at writing them. 

-Lottie xox

For more check out Michelle's website!


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