Wednesday 28 August 2013

Mini Primark Haul!

People seem to be doing these all the time, and usually I can't find anything in either pennies or primark! (I have thoroughly searched both!) Then BAM I end up in the primarks in Southport and Blackpool. It was love.

I absolutely love this little dress! I think It is really flattering and on the average person not that short! But when your 5ft 10" with and incredibly long back... Things don't fit. But it looks great with tights! And for £8? I couldn't pass it up!


Recently I have been craving vans.. but wanted to try them out first... see what they looked like. So these were perfect and I love em!

£5 navy (one of my favourite colours!) with cute patches? OH YES


 I seriously love Big purses! Especially ones that are £2

                    These are soooo fluffy and warm! Also £8! 


As my fluffy jammies say 'BIG HUG!'

Thursday 22 August 2013

DI-LAL : Studs

Ok, so after the roaring success of my last do it yourself blog I thought, you know what Lottie, you can do this again! 

So when I was in river island, a good month ago now I seen these.

I am not usually a huge fan of the studded punky look. But I liked the Idea of being able to put these on things!

I also fell in love with this little belly top (not sure if that's there real name but it's what I am going to call them!)

Pretty boring right?

So here were a few Idea's I came up with!

It's so easy! You just stick the pin pointy bit through the fabric and put the back on!

Although the distance between the edge of the stud and the back, they are designed for boots and shirt collars.

I also seen in a magazine that leather and punk seems to be a trend this A/W and these would be ideal!

Make sure you take your time to work the pin through the fabric carefully without ripping it!



Thin Belt!

 Just Poke them through the holes!!!

Thicker Belt

Theese are only a few possibilities that I came up with in an afternoon! The possibilities are endless! And totally reusable.

Let me know if you give this a try! Post a link in the comments or send me a tweet!

-Lottie :D

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Mara Dyer Rant

I don't know if I've ever really blogged about this before other than  mentioning it occasionally, but I am a huge book worm. I metaphorically eat books. 

I have ever since I can remember when my mum used to read me stories. Then I learnt to read, and there was no stopping me then! 

I probably don't read as much as other people but I am still passionate about books. Proper old fashioned paper books, not e-readers.

A few weeks ago I picked up a book in my local library, which I thought looked good.

I was wrong.


Michelle Hodkins - The unbecoming of Mara Dyer quickly gripping me and I couldn't get of enough Mara and Noah's story.

Then last week I finally got a copy of the evolution of Mara Dyer.

Oh My Gosh.

I will never be the same. I loved it so much! It quickly rocked up there with my all time favourite books. I seriously cannot wait until the next one comes out.


I'm not going to say too much but it has a serious shock ending. I finished it about 1 am and I just want to scream! And probably would have if my sister hadn't have been sound asleep beside me. So I had to settle for just sitting there staring at the wall trying to comprehend what had just happened to me. It took me a whole 20 minutes to recover enough to actually go to sleep!

That's not normal, even for me!

I thoroughly recommend this book and it deserved to be super popular and get lot's of love!

The whole story is a mystery and keeps you guessing as to what is actually happening. Is it magic? Or is it just science? I still can decide after changing my mind like 27 times!

Let me know if you like my rants about books. Sorry but I can't do book reviews... They scare me (everyone has fears OK?) and I'm not very good at writing them. 

-Lottie xox

For more check out Michelle's website!


Sunday 18 August 2013

Southport 2013!

So, it came to that time again, in mid august, were my family and I sail off on our annual summer holidays!
This year we headed back to Southport. No seems to have heard of it though! I feel that it deserves more publicity!

It is located here:

on the west coast of England, just above Wales, between Blackpool and Liverpool.

It has a beautiful pier and views, a great shopping street and amazing ice cream! (Southport rock was my favourite!)

It has a reputation for being an elderly person's holiday destination. I don't think so. I think it is for everyone!

Also a quick shout out to the lovely shelbourne apparments. Your flats rock! :)
Check them out!

Just realised I didn't take that many photo's! hope you enjoy these few of Southport pier!

-Lottie xox