Monday 1 April 2013

Spring time!

Well its been a while... been sorta busy but a whole lotta lazy dopiness... Once you get out of the habit it is so hard to write anything have been planning blogs in my head mentally for weeks but every time I sit down to write they disappear AHHH. Spent the day chopping a tree. Went to a fancy dinner. Put a dress on my cat as punishment for eating my food. Starting to get into spring fashion. Hate spring fashion. Put on a musical twice! Rehearsed a musical lots. Learnt how to choreograph(ish) despite not being able to dance. still haven't quite finished my giant chocolate bar(OMG) So close to getting twitter. ADDICTED TO PEWDIEPIE. And I'm sure i HAVE DONE LOTS MORE BUT CAN'T THINK RIGHT NOW...

Love this 

P.s. How did I not know how insert a video from youtube.... 'Facepalm'

P.s.s I also love this HELLO RUSSIA!

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