Monday 15 April 2013

Recipee Time!(again)

Ok, so here we are again... me prentending that I am a master baker! But today I have a reason. I stress bake. :( Stresed out about my exams and exam results! So ere we are again!

Rice Crispy Buns!


                                    Rice crispy(I used a mixture of 2 brands!)
Sprinkles (or hundreds and thousands, same difference!)


1. melt the chocolate in a bowl!

2. Mix in the rice crispies until they are all evenly coated.

3. Put them in bun cases

(think I used waaaay too many spoons!)

4. Sprinkle some sprinklies over the top. (awkwardly putting on sprinkles much?)

5. Put them in the fridge until they go hard!

6. Eat them all up! NOM

This maybe a little bit unrealistic as these pictures 
don't show the complete 
mess I 
made all 
over the 
table or ones that 
got messed up on the 
way to the fridge... 

Fun Sunday Afternoon! 


p.s. Any tips on how to clean rice crispy dust off my camera? Finally remembered to photograph but paid for it...

Send me pics of your buns! :D

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