Tuesday 2 April 2013

Recipe time!

So I love to bake. I dont do it often but I sitll love it. Except when I get burnt ont he oven.... but its worth it! SO I would like to share one of my favourite recipees with you! I did intend to use my own pictures but camera died then I accidently ate every thing before I took the picture... Oopps :) 



Smarties(or another small sweet of your choice)


1. Melt the chocolate! Use a microwaves safe dish and give it about 1.30-2 minutes until it is melted but don't burn it! Or alternatively melt it in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water.

2. Spoon the now melted chocolate into little bun cases. I used petite fours but any small ones will do.

3. Place the marshmallows in the chocolate before it hardens.

4. Place a little bit of chocolate on top of the marshmallow and place your sweet in it so it sticks on top!

5. Leave to harden in the air or place in the fridge.



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