Friday 26 April 2013

Nothing much to say.

Well its been a rather boring week for me - if I don't blog nothings happened! Felt I should post something though. New L.A.L.I.Y coming soon (not sure about the name, but basically LAL it yourself!) Just waiting on the right light and some charged camera batteries! Hope you like it!

-Lottie :)

Sunday 21 April 2013

Randomm Sunday Afternoon...

What a lazy day... Haven't done anything all day. :( I feel like a poop. Aww well! 

Re-watched the boy in the striped pyjamas. OMG. I have such a love hate relationship with that film. 

Also Finally took the plunge and got myself a twitter?!?! :O A media for you to shout at me to blog more often. I need a brain that isn't such a sieve...


Simply because it rhymes (I think...)


Thursday 18 April 2013








Monday 15 April 2013

Recipee Time!(again)

Ok, so here we are again... me prentending that I am a master baker! But today I have a reason. I stress bake. :( Stresed out about my exams and exam results! So ere we are again!

Rice Crispy Buns!


                                    Rice crispy(I used a mixture of 2 brands!)
Sprinkles (or hundreds and thousands, same difference!)


1. melt the chocolate in a bowl!

2. Mix in the rice crispies until they are all evenly coated.

3. Put them in bun cases

(think I used waaaay too many spoons!)

4. Sprinkle some sprinklies over the top. (awkwardly putting on sprinkles much?)

5. Put them in the fridge until they go hard!

6. Eat them all up! NOM

This maybe a little bit unrealistic as these pictures 
don't show the complete 
mess I 
made all 
over the 
table or ones that 
got messed up on the 
way to the fridge... 

Fun Sunday Afternoon! 


p.s. Any tips on how to clean rice crispy dust off my camera? Finally remembered to photograph but paid for it...

Send me pics of your buns! :D

Friday 12 April 2013

Forever Alone...

First off all I would like to say a huge get well soon to my amazing Bestie Sussie-Ann who is sick and has been off school all week also my amazing cousin in the USA! Miss you both loads! But don't you just hate it when you are left to sit alone in ever single class... :( At least I have Smosh to cheer me up when I get home! :D Had a good (almost week) at school but I am so bad at remembering to do my homework. HELP ME! Someday I am going to get in serious trouble! Any one want to write me an essay? No? didn't think so. So sorry if I don't blog for a while... I have a lot of revision. homework and obsessive youtube watching!



Friday 5 April 2013


So last night I had the opportunity to go and see the amazing, super awesome Olly Murs last night in Belfast! What. A. Night. Have loads of pictures but of all days my brother tole the internet :( SO will get more up at some point(took 20 minutes to load these!!) But for now if you can at all or if you want to! go and see him he is amazing! 

And I love my new T-Shirt! EEEP


P.s. I can only hear and talk again properly now! Downside of my first ever concert...

P.s.s. I have lived a rather dull life :( Until now!!! :D

I WAS THERE! Belfast 4-4-13 Screaming along!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Recipe time!

So I love to bake. I dont do it often but I sitll love it. Except when I get burnt ont he oven.... but its worth it! SO I would like to share one of my favourite recipees with you! I did intend to use my own pictures but camera died then I accidently ate every thing before I took the picture... Oopps :) 



Smarties(or another small sweet of your choice)


1. Melt the chocolate! Use a microwaves safe dish and give it about 1.30-2 minutes until it is melted but don't burn it! Or alternatively melt it in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water.

2. Spoon the now melted chocolate into little bun cases. I used petite fours but any small ones will do.

3. Place the marshmallows in the chocolate before it hardens.

4. Place a little bit of chocolate on top of the marshmallow and place your sweet in it so it sticks on top!

5. Leave to harden in the air or place in the fridge.



Monday 1 April 2013

Spring time!

Well its been a while... been sorta busy but a whole lotta lazy dopiness... Once you get out of the habit it is so hard to write anything have been planning blogs in my head mentally for weeks but every time I sit down to write they disappear AHHH. Spent the day chopping a tree. Went to a fancy dinner. Put a dress on my cat as punishment for eating my food. Starting to get into spring fashion. Hate spring fashion. Put on a musical twice! Rehearsed a musical lots. Learnt how to choreograph(ish) despite not being able to dance. still haven't quite finished my giant chocolate bar(OMG) So close to getting twitter. ADDICTED TO PEWDIEPIE. And I'm sure i HAVE DONE LOTS MORE BUT CAN'T THINK RIGHT NOW...

Love this 

P.s. How did I not know how insert a video from youtube.... 'Facepalm'

P.s.s I also love this HELLO RUSSIA!