Friday 27 December 2013

Stormy winter reading list!

Well it's been a while again and I have been meaning to write this post for several weeks. But here it is!  

My favourite winter reads. 

1. Rachel Caine - Daylighters

2. Orson Scott Card - Enders game

3. Veronica Roth - Allegiant

The view from my bed side table is just packed full of books - most of which I am yet to read ( but I will ). I read daylighters way back at the start of november when it first came out. I have long been a fan of the Morganville vampires (in particular Myrinn!) and couldn't wait to read the conclusion. It certainly didn't disappoint. As sad as I am that it has ended it true lilt was an energetic and thrilling conclusion!   

I actually only finished Enders game the day before Christmas Eve. When I first see. The trailer I knew this was a film I wanted to see then never did and here I am, months later reading the book instead. IT BLEW MY MIND!!!!! Best book I have read since well... Daylighters! We'll worth a read and don't let the face that it's 30 years old put you of - you can't tell! Roll on March so I can finally see the film on DVD

I  have to admit I haven't actually read Allegiant yet... It's next on my list. But if it's anything like the rest of the series I'm sure I'll love it! 

As for the other books photographed above- those a that I have read are excellent favourites are 

Jane Austen - pride and prejudice 
Michelle Hodkins - the evolution of Mara dyer
Justin Lewis - Olly Murs the biography

Stay warm and safe in the stormy weather and I'd you have no electricity I feel for you! And no matter how tempting it is to read by torch light no story is worth risking your eyesight. No even these! 

-Lottie xox

Wednesday 27 November 2013

My Winter Look Book

Well, it took me over a month (of procrastinating) to finally put together my personal winter look book. Slightly different from the 'fashionable' tartan and black. 

First off, I love woolly knitted jumpers! they are simply fabulous!

In particular this year, I have been loving crazy animal jumpers!

1. The Cat

I absolutely love this fun navy knit with a massive white cat on the front.
I did consider sewing buttons onto the front but have once again procrastinated...

T.K. Maxx £14.99

2. The Bunny

Very predictable... once again a fun chunky pink knit with a large rabbit.
This one is slightly fluffier but this toasty warm!

T.K. Maxx £14.99

3. The 'land girl' look 

I really like this look as it has a vintagy style but still quite funky

shorts: Dunnes £14.99
Jumper: H&M £19.99
Shirt: Forever21 £12.99

4. My old favourite

I've own a variation of this outfit for years! not really sure why I love it so much, but I do!

All H&M except cardigan which is La redoute

5. It's Christmas!

Is it wierd I have never own a proper christmas jumper before?
I know. 
But that's history now!
Not sure If I have mentioned it before but I have a serious love for penguins!
And Just look at this lil' Guy!
He is made of black and gold sparkly sequins and white super soft fluffy fur!
I just could manage to fork out £30 for a knitted jumper so this one is a jersey fabric.
I can't wait to wear it! I feel it's still tad too early. 

New Look - £17.99

I feel I should also mention a few of my winter staples!

My super trusty H&M boots
I love theese and wear them all the time!

Also fluffy bed socks! Never leave the house with out 'em so much so I have stretched most of my shoes....

Also a MASSIVE shout out to primark's winter jammies. Man those things are the only things that keep warm!

Hope to post more often but you never know!

-Lottie xox

Saturday 26 October 2013

Quote of the day

“I know that having a good vocabulary doesn't guarantee that I'm a good person, but it does mean I've read a great deal. And in my experience, well-read people are less likely to be evil.”
― Lemony Snicket, The Slippery Slope

-Lottie x

sorry guys, was this or an amazon rant... yeah been a tad busy...

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Meaningful Blog.

This Blog is probably not what you were expecting. 

But I was randomly on, as you do! When I found out the meaning of my Name.

I always wanted to know but I never remembered to look i tup!

So Lottie means : Womanly.

So you know as I was online I looked up Lola as well

So Lola means : Sorrrows.

Oh dear.

Doesn't Womanly Sorrows found like a great blog name?

But first we would probably need to be older than 15...

                                                                 Maybe next time eh!

I don''t now if my names suits me! 
But I would recommend looking it up anyway! It's very interesting to know!

-Lottie 'U'

Monday 30 September 2013

D-I-LAL: Budget Birthday's!

So, Today is one of my Besties - Riley - Birthday, nd as always - I am broke. Don't worry, it always seems to happen me as I don't don't have a stable job - Yet! 

So one day I was in Dunnes, and seen this adorable little jar! I love jars! And when I seen it was a massive £1.75. I could have happily bought 6! 


I had picked theese little soaps up at somepoint, I                        think after getting some                   for christmas I went and                      bought more a few years ago in                        M&S. 

When I was away in Southport I found this darling little shop which sold bargain scarves! This one was only £2

In the same shop I also found this fabulous hair clip which will look amazing in Riley's long Blonde hair!

She, Like me, is a big book worm! So when I found this cute little book mark 
I new it was for her!

I hope this proves that you really don't have to spend a fortune to create fabulous Birthday gifts.

Budget: £15
Actual cost: £12.24 (including some wrapping paper I found in a drawer and a fancy carrier bag from home bargains! £0.49)

Think Differently, it can save you a fortune!

-Lottie xox

Thursday 19 September 2013

Quote of the Day:

'While your having a careers talk tell them you want to be a chicken'

This is why Lola is my BIFFL

-Love you Lola,

Wednesday 18 September 2013

My EPIC Poem.

I feel like a need a post

but I have nothing to say

A great post shall be posted

On another Day

I have and idea

You shall see it soon

If you comment on this poem

I shall jump over the moon

-A Lottie who wants to learn to draw.

I suck at poems :( 

I feel like this really highlights how sick I am

I hate the cold seriously recommend sudafed tablets though. They are A-MAZE-ING.
But not before bedtime or they can keep you up all night, but a life safver from akward runny noses in school. 

Monday 9 September 2013


So uh... It's pretty obvious that i'm not fabulously dedicated to this blog. (Fabulous being my new used-all-the-time word) Lottie recently told me that she got some comments on her posts (she nearly died by the way). She's been designing the blog and doing a lot to keep it going and I'm sitting at home doing... not much actually... I'm just unbelievably forgetful... That'd be the reason i dont post much. Not that you guys miss it Am I Right?

I read one of Lottie's posts and she seems to be complaining about her exams and how she has to 'keep her grades up' Well, Lottie is actually amazingly smart, she could easily get A*'s in all of her exams if she wanted to. And with little revision she can still pull off an A. Which, to be honest, would be nice to have a brain like that.  It's like having a memory pen in your head. Like what? She'll do great in life, and yes it is our last year of high school, so it's pretty scary. All the 'start revising from day one; this is the most important year of your life; you will have no social life' is kind of intimidating.

I was away at the weekend there at a sort of an activity weekend, we stayed in a nice hotel-place and we had A MASSIVE room, with a DISABLED toilet. It was HUGE. I went canoeing and wet bouldering so i came back with a lot of bruises and spent a whole day getting wet. Towards the end of the canoeing we just tipped the canoe and decided to swim back with the boat. it was AWESOMMMEE. Also watched Jack The Giant Slayer. (Amazing movie by the way) and we played random games. Met some nice people, and some fabulous boys. Just saying.

I've been quite distracted by the Youtuber PewDiePie lately, his posts are amazing and i urge you to watch his videos if you haven't already, *Brofist* I have also subscribed to his channel so i am now a fully fledged 'Bro' and if you guys have Youtube accounts, Go Subscribe to PewDiePie.. 'The Last Of Us' Was my favourite game play by him, I'm sure some of you have heard of it. (Lottie is too scared to watch him play horror games she prefers some guy called Joey Graceffa) Also, Our trip to Paris was UH-MAZING.

Well, i thought i'd finish off with some pics of our time in Paris. Don't think Lottie showed you guys any.

One  Of  The  Buildings  At  Hotel  Cheyenne

L'arc  De  Triomphe

The  Mona  Lisa!

Eiffel  Tower!!

Disney  Land!!

One  Of  The  Rides!

Giant  Buzz!

The  Disney  Parade!

Thunder  Mountain!

Disney  At  Night!!

Todd  And  Copper!!

Messing  Around  At  The  Eiffel  Tower.

Hope You Enjoyed!
-Lola x

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Back to school.

Well, that time is again upon us. Were we must return to school. For my fellow GCSE-ERS we have 'arguably the most important year in front of us'. Fun times. So this is my advanced apology for not blogging frequently, I must maintain my grades If I am ever to achieve my dream of going to university! I guess I shall see you when I have some free time (should be often enough, if anything interesting happens) I think I have a crafty book recommendation blog. See if it's interesting enough to actually publish! So see you when I can :D

-Lottie xox

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Mini Primark Haul!

People seem to be doing these all the time, and usually I can't find anything in either pennies or primark! (I have thoroughly searched both!) Then BAM I end up in the primarks in Southport and Blackpool. It was love.

I absolutely love this little dress! I think It is really flattering and on the average person not that short! But when your 5ft 10" with and incredibly long back... Things don't fit. But it looks great with tights! And for £8? I couldn't pass it up!


Recently I have been craving vans.. but wanted to try them out first... see what they looked like. So these were perfect and I love em!

£5 navy (one of my favourite colours!) with cute patches? OH YES


 I seriously love Big purses! Especially ones that are £2

                    These are soooo fluffy and warm! Also £8! 


As my fluffy jammies say 'BIG HUG!'

Thursday 22 August 2013

DI-LAL : Studs

Ok, so after the roaring success of my last do it yourself blog I thought, you know what Lottie, you can do this again! 

So when I was in river island, a good month ago now I seen these.

I am not usually a huge fan of the studded punky look. But I liked the Idea of being able to put these on things!

I also fell in love with this little belly top (not sure if that's there real name but it's what I am going to call them!)

Pretty boring right?

So here were a few Idea's I came up with!

It's so easy! You just stick the pin pointy bit through the fabric and put the back on!

Although the distance between the edge of the stud and the back, they are designed for boots and shirt collars.

I also seen in a magazine that leather and punk seems to be a trend this A/W and these would be ideal!

Make sure you take your time to work the pin through the fabric carefully without ripping it!



Thin Belt!

 Just Poke them through the holes!!!

Thicker Belt

Theese are only a few possibilities that I came up with in an afternoon! The possibilities are endless! And totally reusable.

Let me know if you give this a try! Post a link in the comments or send me a tweet!

-Lottie :D