Monday 30 September 2013

D-I-LAL: Budget Birthday's!

So, Today is one of my Besties - Riley - Birthday, nd as always - I am broke. Don't worry, it always seems to happen me as I don't don't have a stable job - Yet! 

So one day I was in Dunnes, and seen this adorable little jar! I love jars! And when I seen it was a massive £1.75. I could have happily bought 6! 


I had picked theese little soaps up at somepoint, I                        think after getting some                   for christmas I went and                      bought more a few years ago in                        M&S. 

When I was away in Southport I found this darling little shop which sold bargain scarves! This one was only £2

In the same shop I also found this fabulous hair clip which will look amazing in Riley's long Blonde hair!

She, Like me, is a big book worm! So when I found this cute little book mark 
I new it was for her!

I hope this proves that you really don't have to spend a fortune to create fabulous Birthday gifts.

Budget: £15
Actual cost: £12.24 (including some wrapping paper I found in a drawer and a fancy carrier bag from home bargains! £0.49)

Think Differently, it can save you a fortune!

-Lottie xox

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