Monday 13 August 2012

Good bye BLOG!!!!

Soo the time has come for me to go on my annual holiday! :( Had as is a family tradition we go the week without internet thus I cannot blog for a whole week!!!! D: So I have decided to you leave 7 of my all-time Internet videos!! you can enjoy them all at once or one per day I cannot blog! ENJOY!

1. Music of the moment - Gets stuck in my head alot...

2. Website - (not a video but I freaking love it so much!!!!)

3. Hilarious video - I have loved this for like forever.......

4. Gaming - I actually pee'd myself

5. Music parody - well I couldn't decide!!!! *

6. Hunger games video - I think Im in love with Gale...

7. Harry potter song!!! - Definitely obsessed!!!! :D


P.s Sorry about yesterday but I was watching a double bill of Harry Potter Half way though now...

P.p.s Ill Miss you... :* xox

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