Tuesday 5 June 2012

I'm Back!!! (again?)

Ok, so no we didn't drop of the face of the earth we've just been very busy! Had an amazing scout camp on Saturday to Sunday. Then I cant speak for Lola but I came home and watched the jubilee pageant on the Thames! fell asleep in the middle of it as I had only had 4 hours sleep the night before but I still seen most of it! Then on Monday went shopping, got fab new sandals just need the weather to wear them now... hmm. Then on Monday afternoon made cupcakes which if I do say so myself turned out fab :) Then sat down and watched the jubilee concert and it truly was EPIC! Danced about the living room with my sister for most of so didn't really sit down to watch it at all... Then on Tuesday got up insanely early at like 9am xO to watch the queen again... (think I might have a new obsession??) Then went to see the Olympic flame ... I want one now... :C . So that how I celebrated queen Lizzie's 60 years on the throne what about you?


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