Sunday 17 June 2012

Happy Daddies Day!

Omw... think all the sugar from all the sweets i ate yesterday hit me today. Was totally hyper. Went out to dinner in the amazing Dunsilly Hotel. then went shopping t junction one. So dad could do his most favourite thing in the world. Sleep!!! Then came home and Made fathers day cake. And if I do say so myself it was rather yummy! :p So know I m knackered - was up to 1am last night reading this amazing book! Caragh O'Brien's - Prized. Amazing story about a young midwife who lives in the future were earth has been destroyed by climate change. Its truly epic! Prized is the sequel to Birthmarked which is equally as epic and better if you read them in order but you dont have to!  So let us know if you had a good fathers day or a not so good fathers day. ENORMOUSNESS shout out to Lola and her family hope you'll  be OK Mr. Lola's dad. Get well soon!


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