Tuesday 17 July 2012

Summer cleaning!

Ugh so recently my room has become a complete bomb site... Old school all over my desk ... new school stuff on the floor ... clothes all over my bed forming what is practically another blanket... Spent half my afternoon chasing stupid calves in the pouring rain, It was soo cold. You only realize your 'waterproof' coat isn't actually waterproof when your stranded in the middle of  a field int he pouring rain the freezing cold IN  JULY!!!!?!?!!?!?!? Your really starting to get on my nerves weather... But for the rest of the afternoon I spent cleaning out my shelved section of my wardrobe... I found some pretty weird stuff... 1 rather large rock? 2 pebbles, a camera i forgot I owned so many books Id forgot Id read and My set of High school musical 2 collectable photos!!! Ha Ha I'm such a freak?! But after Id finished I managed to get all the crap of my floor stuffed into it! SCORE! 1-0 to the Lottsmeister!!! better luck next time mess!

-a victorious Lottie 

(furniture polish makes me a little bit crazy, should wear of soon, but in the mean time... HI MR ROCK! HOW DID YOU GET IN MY WARDROBE!!! let you know if he replies!! TE HE HE <3 )

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