Sunday 1 July 2012


Had an amazingly epic day in drogheda yesterday! Opted not to go swimming in funtasia (sharing a bath with you class mates?) So Lola, Charlie, My mother and I went shopping! It was amazing craic and Lola got some EPIC jeans and a funky blazer! Found an AMAZING Fabric shop :0 shout out to Foxy Crafts. Then went to the battle of the Boyne museum which was really interesting! bring on GCSE Irish History! At lunch we went into This chain cafe store. Was hugely disappointed! Waited 45mins on sandwiches! Negative shout out! Cause when they came they weren't even right!!! So we desided to payt hem back... MWAHAHAHAHAHA Had a splenda fight and then made soup with cold tea lots more spenda and other sugars then added vegtables... Next we put it in a bottle and shook it! TE HE HE Fun 

- Lottie (^'o'^)

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