Friday 5 February 2016

Cupcake's Gone Wild

I'm sure you've all made cupcakes from a box. 

Yeah, well I hadn't.

Then someone bought me one for christmas. A Frozen themed one.

To be fair I had made some at a 18th sleepever extravaganza, shout out to greasy! But they were incredibly boring.

But then I made them again myself and this happened.

They looked good from the top, however theres a reason you don't mix the colours in the paper case.

They were simply amazing.

They tasted pretty good too! Definitely a fun sisterly activity on a cold stormy Sunday afternoon.


Wednesday 13 January 2016

Surviving A levels

A levels suck.

Despite what you may think, there is no such thing as an 'easy' A level.

But there are some things that make them more enjoyable? Ha! bearable

1. Time management.

If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times! I'm terrible at this but observing those that are they look less stressed than me 

2. Friends

Theres more to life and academia! Educate yourself in the art of the world

3. Be realistic but stay positive

Accepting I won't get 3A* is hard but I can try my best to get as close as I can.

'Reach for the stars, climb every mountain higher' - S-club 7, inspiration

4. Food

Maybe its not the best idea to binge on junk food for 2 years... And fruit is just, effort. But cereal makes a great homework/study/procrastinating snack! 

5. Sleep

It looks better in the morning! 

This was probably no hell to anyone, but then I'm no expert! 


Saturday 14 February 2015

My favourite things! Feb. 2015

Well I guess the title says it all!

Tonight I would like to share with you a few of my favourite things!

This was originally just going to be websites but hey, I expanded it!

Hope you enjoy at least one of them as much as I do!



This one's pretty silly, but very fun! Release that stress!


I understand that talking to strangers online is a very scary and dangerous thing! However I have always felt shy around new people and spending time on omegle helped me come out of my shell. It really helped me raise my confidence and developed my conversational skills! I'm still akward and shy, but I'm getting there!


self explatory. 


Recently I have been really enjoying facebook! Mainly because with my peers, it is the most widely used and acessable social media. I mainly use the chat feature mor ethan anythign else, and with chat I use it for two main purposes. one being talkign to my friends in a large group chat, and second being contacting others in regards to events or organisations! Very handy tool in any organisers bag of tricks!


I can no longer fund my book habbit and decided to try an alternative. Fanfiction seems to have a repuation of being a 'weird book porn' site. I'm sure it is if thats what you're into. But with fanfiction, as with life - Don't judge something by its repuation. Some of the authors are seriously high class, as good as most voelists!


This one really isn't for everyone, but it is a lifesaver for A-level maths and currently a real favourite of mine! Invaluable tool for math students, especially in the UK but everywhere! 


1. Discozoo

I seriously love this app. Pointless animal party fun!

2. Snapchat

I am a bit of a selfie queen.

3. Crossy Road

Just because.

4. High School sotry

I really enjoy the story element to this game. Plus it also has really messages behind it! 

5. Happy Hotel

Seriously my favourite hotel, ever.

Music - Singles

1. Britney Spears - My perogative

2. Queen - Bohemian Rapsody

3. The Muppets - Man or a Muppet (Karaoke song of the moment!)

4. The ting tings - Thats not my name

5. Starship - We built this city

To name but a few! 

Music - Albums

1. Now that's what I call Disney 

The perfect car album

2. Miley Cyrus - Breakout

reliving an old favourite

3. Katy Perry - Prism

I was unsure about buying this album, but it was worth it! 


1. Mulan

I just absolutely love this film, and the music is devine!

2. Perks of being a wallflower

'We accept the love we deserve'
I just love this film, In a few ways I found the main character very identifiable and just loved the story and of course the music. However i was a little upset the didn't instantly recognise David Bowie s 'Heroes' I mean serious people! 

3. Bad neighbours

It just made me laugh so much, please don't ignore the age recommendations though!


1. Jelly tots

2. Chocolate chip cookies

I enjoy unhealthy food. 

-Lottie Xx

Saturday 10 January 2015

Winter in outfits 2014/15

Hey there!

Been a while...

Well recently I have been loving some winter fashion! 

Autumn/fall/winter is by far by favourite time of year fashion speaking.

I mean - dark colours? woolly jumpers? Yes please!

So I thought I would share some of my favourite outfits of this winter that I will continue wearing as we embark on our next adventures in 2015. 

(Fyi this was planned as a my winter holidays in outfits, then I was late publishing...)

Outfit 1: Dressy

Shirt- H&M
Skirt- H&M
Cardigan - Holister
Boots- H&M
Necklace - Forever21

outfit 2 

Shirt- Primark
Necklace- Forever21
Jacket- Oasis
Jeans- River Island
Boots- La Redoute

Outfit 3 - celebration of the winter animals

jeans- Next
Jumper- New Look

Outfit 4 - Christmas Day Crazies

Jumper- Topshop
Skirt- H&M
Slippers- Amazon

Outfit 5 - Dark day

Jeans - River Island
Jumper- Topshop

Outfit 6 - Sometimes getting dressed is just too much effort

Pyjama's- Primark

Outfit 7 

Jeans- River Island
Shirt- H&M
Jacket- Zara
Mockingjay necklace - Amazon

Outfit 8

Jeans- River Island
Jumper- Monsoon

Well that is what I have been wearing this last wee while! 

I admittedly tend to get stuck in a rut and just wear the same pieces in different ways, or just blatantly wear the exact same outfit repeatedly. However I hope this shows that you can rework thibgs and incoporate them in many different ways - 'have a wardrobe of key pieces not set outfits'

I hope you all had a lovely well... year! And maybe we can share this coming year together!


Sunday 23 February 2014


I have an excuse! Its February of my GCSE year! I'm busy! But I also felt a lot of bad! So here it is!

I seen this on youtube, notably Jim Chapman and Missglamorazzi, and thought... I can do that!

1: What are you wearing? 

Grey Fleecy Hoody, from Dunnes
Grey Sweat Pants, also from Dunnes
Fluffy bed socks, from T.K. Maxx
Ugg style Slippers, from Matalan 

I was painting....

2: Ever been in love? 

Nope! My principal sat all the year 12's (English year 11's) down and told us not to have any relationships! I use this as my excuse!

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?


4: How tall are you? 

5ft 10, too tall for clothes to fit properly but not tall enough for tall clothes...

5: How much do you weigh? 

10(ish) stone

6: Any tattoos? 

Nope, they tend not to give those to sixteen year olds... but If I were to get one it would have to be soemthing i could regret... like a bum unicorn!

7: Any piercings? 

Nope, The whole Idea of pushing small metal bars through a man made hole in my body, creeps me out.

8: OTP? 

Mara Dyer and Noah Shaw (see my Mara Dyer rant)

9: Favourite show?

Dance Moms! Closely followed by Dance Academy, Here Comes Honey boo boo, Toddlers and Tiara's and House of Anubis.

10: Favourite bands?

Imagine Dragons and, of course, One Direction!

11: Something you miss?

Dance Academy! come on season 3! I NEED YOU!!!

12: Favourite song?

It changes everyday!

Martin Sloveig & Dragonette - Hello
Imagine Dragons - Who We Are

13: How old are you?

Sweet Sixteen

14: Zodiac sign? 


15: Quality you look for in a partner? 

Nerdiness! They have to know what I'm talking about on a Lord of the rings rant and come with me to see films of my favourite books!

16: Favourite Quote? 

17: Favourite actor?

Jenifer Lawrence!

18: Favourite color? 

Blue, any shade, just Blue

19: Loud music or soft? 

Soft if it's playing alloud, I dont like other people hearing my music!

Lous with head phones and revision!

20: Where do you go when you're sad? 

Too mummy! or my room... 

21: How long does it take you to shower? 

anywere between 10 to 30 minutes

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 

School - 40 minutes (it's too early...)
Anywere else  - 10 - 30 minutes

23: Ever been in a physical fight? 

with my sister and/or hitting Lola: Yes
But no

24: Turn on?

Nerdiness but still good looking!

25: Turn off? 

Overly greasy hair!

26: The reason I joined Blogger? 

I have a terrible memory and wanted to document my life and fasion!

It seemed like something fun for me and Lola!

I read a book about 2 friends who started a blog (can't remember the name...) and thought, I can do that!

27: Fears? 

Heights, Glass stairs, Stairs with holes between the stairs(youknow what i mean fellow height phobics!), Lifts and Lola's Dog Kimmy.

28: Last thing that made you cry? 

I cry at everything... 

On the Same day The Notebook and The Fault in our Stars

29: Last time you said you loved someone? 

Yesterday,to my Grandfather!

30: Meaning behind your Blogger Name? 

Lifeofa - It was supposed to be a diary Blog
LaL - Lottie and Lola!
LaLians - our Fantastic Readers!

31: Last book you read? 

Paper Towns - John Green

32: The book you're currently reading?

None! Too bust learning my French Oral! But I hope to read Allegiant soon!

33: Last show you watched? 

Call the Midwife!

34: Last person you talked to? 


35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? 


36: Favourite food? 

Baked beans - with toast, pasta and/or mince
Ice cream - Mint or Honeycomb!

37: Place you want to visit?


38: Last place you were? 


39: Do you have a crush?

Seriously? No
Celebrity? Joey Graceffa!

40: Last time you kissed someone? 

*cringe* never kissed  a boy... maybe one day...

41: Last time you were insulted? 

I felt insulted earlier when mobile blogger didn't ssave my draft of this blog AND I HAD TO DO IT AGAIN! However it was entirely my fault....

42: Favourite flavour of sweet? 


43: What instruments do you play?? 

Sadly, None. My music teacher tried to teach my whole class the tin whistle... didn't work.

44: Favourite piece of jewellery?

My Pandora rings!

45: Last sport you played? 

Basketball, 2 weeks ago in PE.

46: Last song you sang? 

Everything is Awesome, from the Lego Movie, with my brother this afternoon

47: Favourite chat up line?

Fell this Shirt, Do you know what Material this is?
Wife Material!

48: Have you ever used it?

Unfortunately no. 

49: Last time you hung out with anyone? 

Yesterday, With my mum!

50: Who should answer these questions next?

Lola! and well you!

Hope you enjoyed all this knowledge about me!
-Love Lottie! xx

Friday 27 December 2013

Stormy winter reading list!

Well it's been a while again and I have been meaning to write this post for several weeks. But here it is!  

My favourite winter reads. 

1. Rachel Caine - Daylighters

2. Orson Scott Card - Enders game

3. Veronica Roth - Allegiant

The view from my bed side table is just packed full of books - most of which I am yet to read ( but I will ). I read daylighters way back at the start of november when it first came out. I have long been a fan of the Morganville vampires (in particular Myrinn!) and couldn't wait to read the conclusion. It certainly didn't disappoint. As sad as I am that it has ended it true lilt was an energetic and thrilling conclusion!   

I actually only finished Enders game the day before Christmas Eve. When I first see. The trailer I knew this was a film I wanted to see then never did and here I am, months later reading the book instead. IT BLEW MY MIND!!!!! Best book I have read since well... Daylighters! We'll worth a read and don't let the face that it's 30 years old put you of - you can't tell! Roll on March so I can finally see the film on DVD

I  have to admit I haven't actually read Allegiant yet... It's next on my list. But if it's anything like the rest of the series I'm sure I'll love it! 

As for the other books photographed above- those a that I have read are excellent favourites are 

Jane Austen - pride and prejudice 
Michelle Hodkins - the evolution of Mara dyer
Justin Lewis - Olly Murs the biography

Stay warm and safe in the stormy weather and I'd you have no electricity I feel for you! And no matter how tempting it is to read by torch light no story is worth risking your eyesight. No even these! 

-Lottie xox