Thursday 4 July 2013

Return of the Tree

Hey guys, 

It's been a long 2 weeks... no internet... day or night... no access to it's streams of information... I was so alone... longing to blog, but knowing I couldn't. Sigh. 

But never mind I am back! and have too much to say in one blog! So, well, I tell a lie, I didn't blog last week as I was living the life with mickey mouse in Paris! fabulous! Although I was informed that while I was away there wasn't any internet anyway.

I also finished school! eeep! only one more year at high school for me then it's off to do a-levels, OMG, I feel so old... 



  1. you so lucky to have been in Paris!
    I'm very jealous.
    I had a look at your blog and I Love it!
    Here is the link to my blog if you wouldn't mind checking it out!

    Lots of Love
    Katie xx

  2. Paris is lovely!
    If you ever have the opportunity to go definitely take it!
    Loved your blog! I'm always on the lookout for a good designer look alike!
    -Lottie :) xox
