Monday 29 July 2013

Fashion Hate...

Ok, so I recently found out that my uncle is getting married next summer. So another wedding... means another dress... 

Last summer my aunt got married, in central London, in the blazing heat! I wore a little blue lacy dress from Debenhams. I loved it at the time but now means I do't want another blue dress... I love Blue.

Ok, so I know your thinking, SHUT UP tell me your hate, I'm getting there!

So, straight away after I found out I started looking online for a dress.

So I have been looking all over and the same thing keeeps creeping up to haunt me...

'The Holey tummy dress'


You do not need to see little glimpses of my tummy. No thank you...

I do not want to see your tummy!!!!!!!!!!!

-Lottie xox

Monday 22 July 2013


Ok again, I feel I am always leaving weeks between my posts... But I genuinely have had no internet connection this past few weeks... I will try and blog as often as possible and (assuming I have internet) I have a nice post planned for Wednesday! Hope you like it!


Also I have made some changes to my little blog, hope you like them. You would think after over a year of blogging I would know how to use blogger... Ooops.


P.s. Did you know Facebook chat has cats? I only found out today... OMG THEY'RE TOO CUTE FOR WORDS! 

Thursday 4 July 2013

Return of the Tree

Hey guys, 

It's been a long 2 weeks... no internet... day or night... no access to it's streams of information... I was so alone... longing to blog, but knowing I couldn't. Sigh. 

But never mind I am back! and have too much to say in one blog! So, well, I tell a lie, I didn't blog last week as I was living the life with mickey mouse in Paris! fabulous! Although I was informed that while I was away there wasn't any internet anyway.

I also finished school! eeep! only one more year at high school for me then it's off to do a-levels, OMG, I feel so old... 
