Sunday 18 November 2012


Had a brilliant 2 hectic weeks! Loving the avengers and The twilight saga breaking dawn part 2!!! Its EPIC! Managed not to fall on my face as well! Started rehersing our play. let you know how that progresses. I havent had much sleep though. So right now at 17.10pm gmt I am going to bed. 


PLUS I got the morganville vampires no. 13 
                            Bitter Blood

Sunday 4 November 2012


Just a quick update! My life has gone mad. I have about 10 events in 14 days starting tomorrow with ni public speaking finals!!! which are like 2 hours form my house... Does anyone know how to write a conclusion? Ahhhhhhhhh Then on Wednesday/Thursday. Tuesday I have to get up early... then go out and be beat up by 7 years old's AGAIN! Volunteering gone wrong :( Going down to the arts festival information night then I have Prize night at school ... were you have to walk up these awful steps and try no tot fall up them but then... Friday Lola, Riley, Susie-Ann and I have tickets to go see The twilight saga breaking dawn!!!!! EEEEP Excited! Then on Saturday I am trying to talk mum into taking me to a sewing convention up in Belfast .. Nerdy I know but I wanna go.....  Let me know if you can top this week! I have so many late nights.... and I need 12 hours sleep... Ga Ha Ha


Sorry for complaining so much but I had to get it out, I would have exploded