Sunday 28 October 2012

Miracle Cat...

Ok so there is no one to blame but me for my neglectfulness... but my life has been consume by school, homework and quilting.... as you do? And my internet is still broken.... ga ha ha ha but I just had to blog about what has been the best day ever....  8 months ago my little patchy poo (well officially called patch after the white patch on his cheek that distinguished him from his brother) disappeared  We all thought that after about 3 weeks later he was never to be seen again. Until this morning. He showed up the door and scared the life out of my mum! were has he been? Has you will see He is one of a litter of tree baby boys. The little white one (Socks) didn't quiet make it after an incident with a car...But Tiger is a real skinny runt and a home bird.   

 Lying in front of his fire tonight
 Cuddling with my sister                         NOM (on the left)

ATTACK                                                                         Coming!

                                                                        What is this contraption?


 Sensible Cat.

 Brotherly Love.....


-Lottie & Patch xox

Friday 12 October 2012

3 weeks later 'o' ....

Um. so. I guess I've been a bit lazy... but Ive also been a bit busy. Ok so since I last blogged I have done all sorts of things. The main ones being:

1. Epic 2 hour disco

2. A Dublin day! FOREVER21!!!

3. A mega six hour Duke of Edinburgh Hike

4. Been back to youth club

5. Start sewing again! :O (well... cutting...)

6. Eat some food!

7. Wrote and epic 20 full on musical drama!

8. Rehersed a speach

9. Been attacked by 7 year olds

10. Vomited all over the school toilets alarming some first years....





Science Homework

Outfit 1 (superdry shirt)

Dublin haul! (90% from forever21)

Forever21 vintagy outfit


Amazing Fabric!


My project!

I would have more pictures but Lola has them on her ipod... so :D !
