Tuesday 29 May 2012

Sun burn D:

Gahahaha the sun truly hates me every single time there's sun I GET BURNT!! must have put after sun on a dozen times this afternoon alone. Had an awesome day though was are school house matches in netball and football today which basically meant setting outside like all day. Awesome but I got very burnt on my arms the only reason I didn't burn the legs of myself to was because I was wearing fleece lined tights. I got some weird looks but hey it worked! So if you hadnt already noticed I blogged todays in a row... xO but lola beign the prat she is has someone managed to break her internet hub (pretty much the same way lightning has done to mine :S) but instead or it getting really slow she has broken hers entirely so your stuck wiith me until well who knows! So... when we were sitting out on the grss in the sun watching football (which I so dont understand) I made this ENJOY! post pictures of yours! I have no nails so I had to use a pen to split them.... BE CREATIVE! <3

-Lottie :D 


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