Thursday 31 May 2012

Fishes? 'o'

So we were randomly in the art room today (we don't even have art on a Thursday) and our teacher was having a clear out and she handed us our whittle fishes from like 2 years ago! Had forgotten I even made then thing Lemme know If you can guess whose is whose! 

-Lottie (again?)

Wednesday 30 May 2012

London 2012!!!

Hope you Enjoyed! Don't be afraid to ask what any of them are had a nice explained blog done but my internet spazzed and deleted it! and I dont have time to do a replacement Sorry...:(

-Lottie (sill stuck with me I'm afraid)

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Sun burn D:

Gahahaha the sun truly hates me every single time there's sun I GET BURNT!! must have put after sun on a dozen times this afternoon alone. Had an awesome day though was are school house matches in netball and football today which basically meant setting outside like all day. Awesome but I got very burnt on my arms the only reason I didn't burn the legs of myself to was because I was wearing fleece lined tights. I got some weird looks but hey it worked! So if you hadnt already noticed I blogged todays in a row... xO but lola beign the prat she is has someone managed to break her internet hub (pretty much the same way lightning has done to mine :S) but instead or it getting really slow she has broken hers entirely so your stuck wiith me until well who knows! So... when we were sitting out on the grss in the sun watching football (which I so dont understand) I made this ENJOY! post pictures of yours! I have no nails so I had to use a pen to split them.... BE CREATIVE! <3

-Lottie :D 


Monday 28 May 2012


Guess what? I'm back!!! had a brilliant time! absolutely knackered though... bedie byes........................................................  might post some picies on wednesday see if ive woken up by then. Sunburnt again... I burn very easily.. of to put on after sun 

-Lottie ZZzz.......

Sunday 27 May 2012


YAYYYY. I Remebered To Blog Today. Wooo. Hope U Guys Enjoyed The Video. ITS LEGENDARY. I Nearly Wet Myself I Laughed That Much. Lottie Should Be Back Tomorrow So You Will Be Able To Listen To Her Then... Or Read What She Says.. Or Whatever.. So Today I Havent Done Much But Eat Ice Cream And Lie In The Garen. OH I WATCHED THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST. YAY FOR SWEDEN :D I Thought The Russian Grannies Were Funny. <3 Everybody Was Really Good. What U Guys Think?

Saturday 26 May 2012


Okay so as you all know ur stuck with me for a while. AND IVE ALREADY FORGOT TO BLOG YESTERDAY. My Bad :L Not That U Missed It. Ur probably wondering, WHY ON EARTH DO THESE PEOPLE POST SUCH RANDOM THINGS? Well.. Its Cuz WERE RANDOM AND WE KNOW IT. And We love It. Dont Be Afraid To Show Ur Random Side. Its Fun. So ur stuck with me and im not the best of bloggers.. so i might just post a video. HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED THE LAST VIDEO I POSTED. Gonna Try And Make You Laugh Now.

What Makes You Beautiful Key Of Awesome Parody:

Thursday 24 May 2012

Bye Bye bloggies!! :(

Awwr not gonna be able to blog...         until Monday!!!! I'm going to London!!! WOO! can't wait :D My aunts getting married and me and my family are all going! second ever time I've been to a wedding last time was my uncle and I was 7 and a wittle flower girl... So you'll have to put up with Lola! Bye Bye see you Monday!!! Missh you loads!!!


Wednesday 23 May 2012

Running Outa Title Names..

Didnt do much today, other than listen to music and run the 200 meters. AND DO A FAILED LONG JUMP. Then get yelled at for not having my hair up but clearly other people didnt. BUT I WAS THE ONLY 1 GETTING YELLED AT. She hates me. ANYWAYS. So my music? Loving this song at the minute. Hope you guys like it too <3

Lola xx

Tuesday 22 May 2012


OMW I think I have developed another obsession.... OWLS!!!! Especially in necklace form.... Dunno which I prefer though... Finaly saved up enough to get one!!!!!!(I'm like always Broke.. :c ) Pwease help?

- Lottie

Monday 21 May 2012


Yea so i've kind of forgotten we had a blog.. so i forgot to blog funny enough. IM SO SORRY YOU GUYS. I know you enjoy reading MY little blogs every now and again. (Dont tell Lottie <3) I was at the YFC Dinner Dance aswell. IT COULD HAVE GONE ALOT BETTER. Personally i didnt enjoy it because i had the constant fear that we were going to get signal on our phones. Been swimming. That was awkward because i havent wore a swimming suit in AGES And it doesnt exactly fit.. BUT IT WAS FUN ANYWAYS. Family Moments <3

Sunday 20 May 2012

Lazy day....

Just had a lazy day doing nothing much at all....Went to the beach as you do then eat lots of ice cream and enjoyed the sun! then came home and enjoyed my fully resorted internet! (it broke a week ago and got really slow AND NOW ITS BACK!!) been watching alot of vlogs and randommness and this popped up! Im not a huge pokemon fan but Ive watched enough to love it!!!


Friday 18 May 2012

Balmoral Show!

WOOP yesterday WAS EPIC! not the best year ever (last year was hard to beat) but pretty epic. FYI epic is my word of the week been using it quiet a lot. Out again tonight at the local YFC dinner. EXCITED!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Insecurity...Not My Fault D:

Okay so yh i am freakishly negative at the minute. BUT ITS NOT MY FAULT :L Nothing goes right. And dresses dont like me. ITS NOT FAIR. Grr. Annoying. BUT ANYWAYS. Me and Lottie going away tomorrow. Its gonna be good craic (fun) ANIMALS, FREEBIES and InSaNeNeSs. Cant Waittt <3

Tuesday 15 May 2012


Well if you hadn't already guessed Lola is being very negative ATM!! almost as negative as our friend Riley who complains about everything and everyone! But she's still awesome! :) Excited today! going out tonight to a quiz. Eeeep can't wait. There are some awesome prizes e.g. bikes and £50!!!! wish me luck! 

-Lottie :D

Monday 14 May 2012


Oo so this week me and The Lottster have a dance to go to. YAY US. Cant wait. Im freaking out over what to wear though. Jewlery and make up, or not? I DONT KNOW. Im panicking. What to do what to do... Lottie dont have this problem shes got it all sorted or she has a backup. Fancy Helping Me Peoples?

Sunday 13 May 2012


Ugh what a horrible day. ITS MAY!!! BRING ON THE SUNSHINE!!!!! pwease? And congrats Ashley and Pudsey!!!! Excited!!! Totally addicted to the morganville vampires books. Started the 12th book yesterday LOVING IT!!!!!! recommend it to anyone who is around 13+ but beware they are totally addictive.... 


Saturday 12 May 2012


OMG. YES I DID TRY ON LIKE 20 HATS. I Like Hats... :D Okay so today was the BRITAINS GOT TALENT FINAL. Pity I Missed It. What Happened? ASHLEY AND PUDSY WERE THE BEST <3 Tidyed my room today WOO. I CAN FINALLY SEE THE FLOOR. But i have more to do. Wish me Luck :D

Friday 11 May 2012

Friday! :)

Happy Friday!!!!! Gotta love Fridays like. 3 periods of art! Making teapots!! Had an awesome day yesterday down in the big city! Cold and wet but fun! Lola must have tried on like 20 hats in Claires! Hilarious!!!  

-Lottie :D

Thursday 10 May 2012


Okay so today we were supposed to go on a trip with the school but that was ruined. SOME NUTTER DECIDED TO FALL OFF A SHIP AND PRETEND SHE HAD A CHILD WITH HER. Ugh. Dont you hate people that do that? Although, apart from the trip bring ruined we still got to go shopping and had good fun :D

Wednesday 9 May 2012


Nothing much today! back at school :( But snot all bad seen this and it made me smile! 

Did I mention I have a serious life long obsession with penguins?

- Lottie :)

Tuesday 8 May 2012

No School. :D

So today we were off school again (LUCKY US) an i kind of spent the day watching random movies. Ovbiously IRON MAN, This Means War, The Mask <3 and Harry Potter. Gotta Love Harry Potter. WHY DID IT HAVE TO END :( Sooooo Not Fair. Was listening to the radio and they were argueing over if yesterday was a bank holiday or a public holiday. Feel sorry for them because they dont get off. Awwwe. What do you guys do on days off? :D

Monday 7 May 2012

Bank Holiday!!!!

Gotta love bank holidays! A whole day of school!!! Slept in until 1.30!!! Even I am shocked by my extreme laziness today!!! Hope you guys have a great bank holiday and don't do anything to stupid while your not at school!!! 

- Lazy Lottie! 

Sunday 6 May 2012

Iron Man :D

Hey Guys! OMG The Avengers Is Amazing. Now that i've seen it i have become a HUGE fan of Iron Man. HOW AMAZING IS HE? How Awesome would it be to have a suit like that. I WANT ONE :D So now i'm basically watching all of his movies. Which is only like 2.. BUT THERE STILL AMAZING. Whats U Guys Favourite Hero?

Saturday 5 May 2012

Cinema x2!!!

Had an epic 2 days at the cinema!! Went to see avenger in 3d last night = SUPER EPIC!!!!!!! and We bought a zoo = AWWWWR. Loved them both in different ways! Can't wait to see if theres a sequel to avengers! Loved the 3D effects best I've seen since the panto at Christmas!

Lottie :D 

Friday 4 May 2012


Hey Guys! (And Gals) we did say we were gonna post each day! :D Going to the cinema to see The Avengers IN 3D! My first 3D Movie. Im Soooooooooooooooooooo Excited! Would love to hear if any of you have seen it and if its good. Comment and tell me ur views :)

Lola xx

Thursday 3 May 2012


Hello Randommers!  

Piece of advice don't take any offence at being called randommers! (also I do know its spelt wrong but its a bad habit! and I cant spell anyways!) So just wanted to let you know about our recent obsession, House of Anubis! We are soo addicted to it and cant wait to see what will happen to the students of anubis house next! Excited!!! :D Cant wait for tonight's episode! Loving the new VERY fit character Eddie! what do you think?. Also Fabiena or Jabien? Personally I prefer Fabiena just because Joy can be pretty annoying at times! Let us know what you think in the comments!!!!

-Lottie! :D

P.s. My other recent obsession is smiley faces!!! I mean like who doesn't love a good smiley!! 
(<'.'<) (^'.'^) (>'.'>)

Wednesday 2 May 2012


Hi randomers! Welcome to our Blog! Are you alive? Well if you are My names Lottie Tree & I am a crazy geeky bookworm and My names Lola Allen and I'm insane (in a good way! :D) What about you? We intend to post everyday about all the raandomness that comes with being a LaLian! (psst LaL = Lottie and Lola but LaLian sounds better ;D ).  We are so excited to be posting here and we hope you are excited to read it! See you tomorrow!