Saturday 14 February 2015

My favourite things! Feb. 2015

Well I guess the title says it all!

Tonight I would like to share with you a few of my favourite things!

This was originally just going to be websites but hey, I expanded it!

Hope you enjoy at least one of them as much as I do!



This one's pretty silly, but very fun! Release that stress!


I understand that talking to strangers online is a very scary and dangerous thing! However I have always felt shy around new people and spending time on omegle helped me come out of my shell. It really helped me raise my confidence and developed my conversational skills! I'm still akward and shy, but I'm getting there!


self explatory. 


Recently I have been really enjoying facebook! Mainly because with my peers, it is the most widely used and acessable social media. I mainly use the chat feature mor ethan anythign else, and with chat I use it for two main purposes. one being talkign to my friends in a large group chat, and second being contacting others in regards to events or organisations! Very handy tool in any organisers bag of tricks!


I can no longer fund my book habbit and decided to try an alternative. Fanfiction seems to have a repuation of being a 'weird book porn' site. I'm sure it is if thats what you're into. But with fanfiction, as with life - Don't judge something by its repuation. Some of the authors are seriously high class, as good as most voelists!


This one really isn't for everyone, but it is a lifesaver for A-level maths and currently a real favourite of mine! Invaluable tool for math students, especially in the UK but everywhere! 


1. Discozoo

I seriously love this app. Pointless animal party fun!

2. Snapchat

I am a bit of a selfie queen.

3. Crossy Road

Just because.

4. High School sotry

I really enjoy the story element to this game. Plus it also has really messages behind it! 

5. Happy Hotel

Seriously my favourite hotel, ever.

Music - Singles

1. Britney Spears - My perogative

2. Queen - Bohemian Rapsody

3. The Muppets - Man or a Muppet (Karaoke song of the moment!)

4. The ting tings - Thats not my name

5. Starship - We built this city

To name but a few! 

Music - Albums

1. Now that's what I call Disney 

The perfect car album

2. Miley Cyrus - Breakout

reliving an old favourite

3. Katy Perry - Prism

I was unsure about buying this album, but it was worth it! 


1. Mulan

I just absolutely love this film, and the music is devine!

2. Perks of being a wallflower

'We accept the love we deserve'
I just love this film, In a few ways I found the main character very identifiable and just loved the story and of course the music. However i was a little upset the didn't instantly recognise David Bowie s 'Heroes' I mean serious people! 

3. Bad neighbours

It just made me laugh so much, please don't ignore the age recommendations though!


1. Jelly tots

2. Chocolate chip cookies

I enjoy unhealthy food. 

-Lottie Xx