Saturday 26 October 2013

Quote of the day

“I know that having a good vocabulary doesn't guarantee that I'm a good person, but it does mean I've read a great deal. And in my experience, well-read people are less likely to be evil.”
― Lemony Snicket, The Slippery Slope

-Lottie x

sorry guys, was this or an amazon rant... yeah been a tad busy...

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Meaningful Blog.

This Blog is probably not what you were expecting. 

But I was randomly on, as you do! When I found out the meaning of my Name.

I always wanted to know but I never remembered to look i tup!

So Lottie means : Womanly.

So you know as I was online I looked up Lola as well

So Lola means : Sorrrows.

Oh dear.

Doesn't Womanly Sorrows found like a great blog name?

But first we would probably need to be older than 15...

                                                                 Maybe next time eh!

I don''t now if my names suits me! 
But I would recommend looking it up anyway! It's very interesting to know!

-Lottie 'U'