Tuesday 11 June 2013

May Favourites(ish)

Ok, so I have a sort of love hate relationship with 'favouties' videos. I sometimes find they are just rich people bragging about there fun american lives. Well I ain't got no time for that! Then I seen Marzia's favourites video which I really enjoyed and thought 'Hey, I can make this work for me!'

1.What was the funniest thing that happened to you?

Easy one! So, as you probably already know I spent 2 days up the Mournes for my Duke of Edinburgh award. So, it was later on in the morning an we were tired and c'est la vie came on on my friends phone and we all walked in step singing along and doing this weird Irish dancing jumpy thing perfectly in sync. Then we laughed our heads off and continued to merrily walk down the hill :)

2.Did you read any books?


Morganville vampires no. 14, Fall of night by Rachel Caine. OMW I love this series and love this book! 

3.What films did you watch?

Well it was a month of childhood films, including finding my long lost 'Bratz'  film. 

4.Something that made you proud of yourself.

Completing my bronze Duke of Edinburgh! Bliss!

Also, Having almost 50 people view my LaL-IY post and almost 1,000 page views! I Love you guys so much!<3

5. What games did you play?

Does rounder/baseball count in PE?

And Oswald the Elephant! Fun stuff.

6. Did you travel anywhere?

Nope! That's in 2 weeks! EEEEP

7. Favourite Music

Simple. Hannah Montana. (Weird childhood relapse :s )

8. favourite product/accessories/clothes

Product is definitely not Fake Tan. Oh dear. I am a tango-fyed Lottie
But I have been loving sun-cream! factor 50 all the way!

Do even need to ask my favourite accessory? OWLS!
However I have been loving my sun glasses recently (new post soon!)

I own a lot of clothes. But I only were a few of them in different ways but I recently purchased some new lacy t-shirts (I really need more fashion posts...) which I love wearing with shorts and tights or in this weather just shorts!


Monday 3 June 2013

Freaky occurrences...

So, I have to write an entire French essay for tomorrow which I did not want to write... So after spending most of today procrastinating on the internet, my electricity DIES! HOW DARE YOU! Leaving me no choice but to go and write my essay. Stupid technology, making me do my homework, it's worse than my mother!


Saturday 1 June 2013

What are you trying to say...

Why youtube why?

I Just casually go on to youtube to watch some video's

Who do you think I am!

