Thursday 27 December 2012

Happy post boxing day!

Eeeep hope you all had an amazing Christmas. Did you get what you wanted? I did! :D can thoroughly recommend the canon ixus 125 so far it is an amazing little camera. Also I have the best friends in the world! they know me so well! Hope you haven't eaten too much turkey! Went to see the Hobbit again today! still brilliant. Loving James Nesbitt as Bofur (second from the right in the back row)and the amazing Gollum as well!

-Love Lottie

Monday 24 December 2012


OMG... ITS CHRISTMAS!!!! Happy Christmas eve! hope you get ll the presnts you want and that santa comes ;) Incase I dont have time to post tomorrow HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


My favourite christmassy song!

Sunday 23 December 2012


Yeooo! Think *touch wood* that my internet is fixed! Current broadband speed of 1 meg!!! woo woo (^'.'^) huge improvement on 0.1 which didn't even work at all!! and POST* LOLA! tut tut tut... I so want to start daily blogging again and maybe with the new found working internet I will! Also for Lottie birthday (by the time she sees this it will be after her birthday so Happy Birthday!) we went to see the hobbit! IT WAS AMAZING! I am a huge Lord of the rings fan and it was awesome seeing J.R.R Tolkiens book come to life. watching an ork have his head cut off? AWESOME. see you soon!


Tuesday 18 December 2012


Guys, Our exam week is over and as usual i havent posted in like... a few months.. ;D Lottie has tried her best. I apologize for her frequent spelling mistakes, she meant for* in her lost past not 'fro'. Im training her but it looks like its going to take a little longer. I've missed you guys and posting on our blog. Not sure you guys actually care about what we post post we will soon be at 400 page views, WOO <3

Lola x

Saturday 1 December 2012

I miss you...

I have really really missed blogging! I didn't think I would but I have. But recently my life has been so dull, and know I'm getting into a week of exams that I am unprepared fro so I wont be any better off... Ill miss you.

-lottie :(
See you soon...